Elites Run For The Hills - Others Find Solutions To Save The College Soccer Season

Harvard and the other Ivy League schools will limit in-person classes and cancel all fall sports.  Many Junior Ivy schools have also announced cancellation of fall sports. So, Williams, Amherst, and Bowdoin are not playing this fall.  In the alternative, the UAA with prestigious schools like the University of Chicago, Washington University in St Louis, Emory, Carnegie Mellon, University of Rochester and other great schools, did not cancel the season but figured out solutions.

It would have been hard to travel to Chicago, St Louis, Atlanta etc. so they reached out to local conferences to play at closer local schools as part of their Conferences.  Probably Emory will play local schools near Atlanta, Chicago and Wash U. will find games close to home. 

University of Rochester will only take buses to games located in New York State. Not perfect but pretty good.

So, the Elites at the Ivy and Junior Ivy League couldn’t figure out a similar solution?  Young people are taking Gap Years because programs have been canceled.  Why? 

I can understand why older teachers may be concerned about attending classes with a bunch of students.  But kids from 18 to 21 have a lower risk, especially if serious controls are put in place. 

So why have these programs been completely canceled?  No attempt to modify the season, limit travel, or establish games with local colleges?  No, no, no games.  That’s smart!

What is a senior athlete supposed to do?  This is probably their last chance to play Soccer, Football, and other sports, since they will not be going pro, and will need to move forward with their lives and take the jobs that they have lined up for after doing internships.  So, the presumed “Elites” are running for the hills at the expense of kids who just want to play.

I imagine these seniors will carry this regret for the rest of their lives.

But the “Non-Elites” found a compromise solution. Not great but not bad.  So, these Elites who in the real-world influence many of the world's important decisions, ran for the hills and forgot the kids in their care. Well I think we can do without these small minds that fail to come up with solutions. 

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Bubba of the North

Soccer Enthusiast and Former Youth Soccer Coach


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